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ENvissling Safety App

An incredible up and coming Safety application giant, Envissling proves that complete anonymity can lead to absolute safety if used by enough people the right way! To find out more check their home page and try them out, especially if you are based in Sweden!

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Parallax Slider

Parallax scrolling comes to a slider with this jQuery content slider script.

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Creating a basic parallax scrolling effect using CSS and JavaScript

This tutorial unmasks the mystic surrounding parallax scrolling by creating a simple one from scratch.

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Fixing a parallax scrolling website to run in 60 FPS

Tips on how to efficiently implement the popular parallax effect on your web site.

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Creating a live CSS clock using CSS3 and some JavaScript goodness

This tutorial guides you through building a clock interface using pure CSS, then bringing it to life with JavaScript's requestAnimationFrame method.

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Velocity is a jQuery plugin that re-implements $.animate() to produce significantly greater performance with little change to your existing jQuery code.

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Responsive Iconic Menu

A sleek CSS3 horizontal menu bar that stays tucked away until the user clicks on an icon, revealing the menu.

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A jQuery plugin for doing cool scroll related animations such as parallax.

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